Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shallow Depth of Field: Less depth of field means that a subject is in focus but objects in front and behind it appear out of focus.

Tips: Using a tripod and avoid excess DOF.

Pink Flower Blossoms

Line of Lanterns

Freshly Picked Strawberries

Deep Depth of Field: All or most of the picture is in focus from front to back.

Tips:  The further away your camera is from the subject, the greater the depth of field.

Time to Break

Up Close and Personal

Summer Sky

Fast Shutter Speed:  This is used for fast action and events. You can use this shutter speed for sports, birds flying, and people running.

Tips:  Pre-focus on the subject and develop powers of observation.

Surf Session

Droplet in the Water

Making Purple

Slow Shutter Speed:  Blurs an image, usually a moving object.

Tips: Make sure to focus camera, keep it steady, and use tripod.

Fourth of July Fireworks

        Waiting at Penn Station

A Night in the City

Film Grain:  It looks likes grains of sand on the image.  It is usually an issue with ow light situations and high speed film.  It can also be a factor when greatly enlarging an image portion of the image.

Tips:  Make sure to focus, and good lighting makes the photo come out better.

After the Storm

     About to Take Off

Close Up and Personal

Digital Noise Photography:  This is pretty similar to film grain, it has the gray specks.  The higher the setting is set, the more grain is shown in the photo.

Tips:  Don't turn up the setting too high or it will come out to dark and unclear.

Day at the Beach

A Quiet Train Ride

Debre at the Construction Site

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