Monday, June 20, 2011

Composite Scale

For this photo I took about ten pictures of Dave holding 
a garbage can.  Then I chose the best picture of him and edited out the garbage can and replaced
it with the ice cream cone.  I then added a background and cropped the background around dave so it was just his body.  If i could edit anything I would have cropped dave a little better but overall I like this picture.

This is my contact sheet of all the photos I took of Dave before I got the perfect one for my picture.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Event Project

These photos were taken at a softball championship game a few weeks ago.  I wanted to support my friends on the team and took many pictures.  I had to go all over the field to get the different shots.  I stuck the camera through the fence, went to the outfield, sat on the bleachers, and many other different positions to get the perfect pictures.

I think I did very well on this photo-shoot.  I used different angles that most people wouldn't originally think to take.  I could've improved by maybe making sure that the lens is clean because at the end it was a little dirty.  For the most part I think I did a good job on this shoot.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photo Restoration



This is a picture of my mom before and after.  I cropped the photo and
 got rid of all of the scratches and things that needed to be changed using the clone stamp.



For editing this photo i had to change the color around to make it
all even and darker.  As with picture above I used the same tools
to make the photo look good.