Monday, June 20, 2011

Composite Scale

For this photo I took about ten pictures of Dave holding 
a garbage can.  Then I chose the best picture of him and edited out the garbage can and replaced
it with the ice cream cone.  I then added a background and cropped the background around dave so it was just his body.  If i could edit anything I would have cropped dave a little better but overall I like this picture.

This is my contact sheet of all the photos I took of Dave before I got the perfect one for my picture.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Event Project

These photos were taken at a softball championship game a few weeks ago.  I wanted to support my friends on the team and took many pictures.  I had to go all over the field to get the different shots.  I stuck the camera through the fence, went to the outfield, sat on the bleachers, and many other different positions to get the perfect pictures.

I think I did very well on this photo-shoot.  I used different angles that most people wouldn't originally think to take.  I could've improved by maybe making sure that the lens is clean because at the end it was a little dirty.  For the most part I think I did a good job on this shoot.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photo Restoration



This is a picture of my mom before and after.  I cropped the photo and
 got rid of all of the scratches and things that needed to be changed using the clone stamp.



For editing this photo i had to change the color around to make it
all even and darker.  As with picture above I used the same tools
to make the photo look good.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Photo Shoot


                              This photo is a picture of my friend Kaitlin.  Her chin is resting on a chair.  I like this picture because everything is black besides her, so the photo really focuses on her.  I also like the lighting because it's a soft lighting.
  I could have maybe made the lighting in the black brighter so that
 her hair doesn't blend in so much.  The main focus of this photo is her face. 

                                                                                   In this picture Kaitlin, Dave, and Alex are doing the Charlie's
 Angel pose.  I edited this photo to make it black and white. 
 I like the black and white effect in this picture.  If I 
could improve anything, it would be to make the
 hair  not blend in with the background so much.

This is a comical picture of Kaitlin getting her mouth taped shut 
by Alex and Dave.  The main focus of this picture is Kaitlin and the
 roll of tape.  If I could improve this picture in any way I would do so by
 making the picture more zoomed out.  I like this picture because its funny.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Photographic Design Principles

Phillippe Halsman's Portrait Lighting Article Questions

1.  In you own words, explain what Halsman means by: “Most Photographs called portraits don’t deserve the name.”
A photograph of a person is only a portrait if it captures some of the essence of the sitter’s character.  But in most “portraits” the subject is posing for the picture.

3.  Explain in your own words, what psychological portraiture is.

A psychological portraiture is where the person taking the picture tries to not re make the features of what they are taking the picture of, but capture the character.

4.  What is meant by: “each technical step introduces psychological overtones?

This means that lighting, camera angle, background composition, cropping, darkroom work are all important steps that cause psychological overtones to a photograph.

5.  There are six challenging assignments in Philippe Halsman’s Mini Course. Describe each one.

Ä Assignment 1:
One Light:
He only used one light to produce photographs.  He used silhouette lighting, side lighting, and edge lighting.

Ä Assignment 2:
Two Lights:
In this assignment he used to lights to take photographs.  He used cross lighting, and fill-in lighting to do so.

Ä Assignment 3:
Multiple Lights:
In this assignment he used a fill-in light, a main light, two spotlights, and a background light to take pictures of the subject.

Ä Assignment 4:
Bounce Light:
In this assignment he used indirect lighting to shoot.  He bounced the light off of the wall and ceiling.  This made it look like Hollywood glamor position and a high-noon position.

Ä Assignment 5:
Window Light:
This is similar to bouncelighting.  He had to position the subject in a certain way according to where the window is.

Ä Assignment 6:
Outdoor Light:
In this assignment the sun is a substitute for lights.  In sunlight you should try not to shoot from 10 am to 2 pm because the sun would be in the subjects eyes.

Out of Place Activity

In this activity I had to put three things in a place where they wouldn't normally belong.  I put an igloo, a banana split, and a gingerbread man all on the beach.

Point of View Photoshoot

In this shoot I took four sets of four photos.  I took pictures at odd and angles that I normally wouldn't take pictures from.  I shot pictures of a fire alarm, a water fountain, a hat, and my friends head.

These pictures were taken from unique point of views that normally a person wouldn't take a picture from.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Macro Photography

Macro photography is taking pictures that are very close up to the subject.  In a macro photo the ratio of the picture should be 1:1.

The equipment needed for macro photography is first off a camera.  It can’t be just any camera.  The camera has to have interchangeable lenses or lets you attach different filters.  A dedicated micro lens is said to be the best lens for making macro images.  Extension tubes and bellows is another piece of equipment option.  They are used to decrease the minimum focus of the distance from the lens.  You can get closer, while keeping it in focus.  Another piece of equipment is the reversing rings.  The reversing rings let you attach one lens in reverse to another lens.  It makes the focus very clear.  A teleconverter is used for extra magnification.  There are also close up lenses you can buy which allows you to focus at distances that are closer than usual.  

-colored pencils

Inspirational Photography:


Picture of Flower

Colored Pencils Photo